Tuesday, April 10

Actually, it has me

I'll whack up some pics and a post of the Two Oceans tomorrow, but for now . . .

This mornings Cape Times told me about Lisa Perry, 45 year old from St Paul's Minnesota.

She wants a fresh start before she moves across the country so she is selling all her belongings (except her cat, dog, photos and some clothes) on ebay. The top bidder would get over 300 items inclusing snow shoes, a futon, a village people album and seashells.

Listen to what she said;

"This might be mid life, but it's not a crisis. It's mid life excitement. I don't need it all, I don't use it all. I just have it all. Actually, it has me."

Has a truer word ever been sopken? "Actually, it has me"

You can not serve 2 masters - it comes down to being owned by God or owned by your stuff. Remember, you don't own it.

Would anyone out there like to follow in Lisa's footsteps?
If so, what would you keep (let's just say you'r allowed to fit it into a big suitcase.)



Anonymous said...

man, that is awesome!!

very true words indeed!

hmm id keep photos, camera, Bible, sketch book & pencils...

Anonymous said...

good choice chelsea!

for me i think it would be a few fav. books, my coffee mug, photos and the scrap book that has seed of my one day great novel.
