Wednesday, August 1

Living In

I am coming to understand something about writing a sermon.

The dawning of my insight goes like this . . .

Sermom 3 in my Proverbs series began last night at 10:30pm after bible study left and after I got Jemma up for her feed (no, I didn't do the feeding despite my blossoming man boobs). The sermon got a remarkably good start (Thank you Holy Spirit). It continued this morning in the car to college with Mervyn where it got another push. It also felt happy after getting some attention on the train back from college. Even as I type it is bubbling away.

So here is my pearl: I am starting to think you live with a sermon, rather than just write it. It's kind of the same contrast between sharing a house with a spouse or a bunch of mates compare to just meeting that person for coffee 3 times a week.

It's a little more intensive and potenatially disruptive but mega more satisfying.
