Thursday, March 29


I loved this movie. It was what I was hoping for.

It didn't pretend to be something it wasn't or couldn't deliver (don't you hate that?). In other words, it was honest to what it was.

It hit all the right buttons. It had father and son, sacrifice, the underdogs, a commitment to death. They fought like there was something greater at stake than just themselves.

And Kimg Leonadis was a king you wanted to follow, or the kind of man you wanted to be.

And yes, I get that it was 'just' a movie, and that it's based on a comic book (sorry, graphic novel) which was based on history and so that gives it more room to interpret the facts. But do you think I care?

I enoyed it. Period. But it made me think about ideas like honour, duty, fear, hope and glory. And what those things mean for me as a Christian. And how would my conversation with my son differ from Leonadis' conversation with his - if at all?

If you have seen it, care to comment?


PS: It is rated high for it's violence and a sex scene so view at your discression.


Craig Tubman said...

It is not out here for another 10 days!?!?!

I've been watching the trailer for 2 months now.......I'm ready for battle.

Anonymous said...

Nice leights!

I also had a similar thought:

King Xerxes trying to intimidate the spartans to surrender says that he would gladly kill any of his men if it meant victory.

King Leonadis reply's,
'I would gladly die for mine'

Mark 10:45


dD said...

Man oh terms of my decription of the movie: In King Leonidas own words.."None more to say"

You guys have epitomized my thorts exactly!

I especially loved the host of quotes that featured in the made me think of the old Testament battles and fact the climax in the Bible of Jesus dying on the cross, the things he said-Almost all his lines are/can be quotes!
Here's one that is particularly inspiringand it was said by one of Jesus' most controvercial follows, the Apostle Paul; "...for to me to live is Christ,and to die is gain!"

Philipians 1:21

Justin said...

Heya Scott. Thanks for your comments. I think that you are right: there is duty, honour, sacrifice, etc. 'I would gladly die for mine' is Mark 10:45 and John 10!

I didn't know that it was a graphic novel until the end. Which would have helped.

I felt like it was kill after kill; all in the same spot etc.

My problem: Braveheart. I wanted it to be Braveheart, and it didn’t have the same plot development.

I did, however, come out thinking: who am I; what am I fighting for; who is fighting with me; and do we have the courage to carry it out.

That’s all right…

Anonymous said...

Yup, I see the braveheart thing.

There was also a very obvious Gollum character too (probably a bit too obvious I think).

But I'm a history teacher and it is so satisfying to see some of this stuff come alive. And the Spartan character is largely defined by killing a hell of a lot of people.

I take your point that there maybe wasn't enough movement - in location or character development.
I've seen the 1960's 'The 300 spartans' but this movie is an altogether diffeent kind of thing.

Interesting film study suggestion by Dd: Compare and contrast the
1960 'The 300 Spartans' with the 2007 '300'. In what way does it reflect a difference between the two generations of audiences?

In other words, if you showed '300'in 1960 - what would they say?

Mich Mash said...

Awesome Movie, I loved every second. Not only was I impressed with King Leonadis as a king but also as a man, husband & father.

I agree Leggies, Jesus finished His mission & not at all for Himself. (Everyone else in fact)

300 made me realise how little mankind focuses on the bigger picture/purpose of what we're here for & how we as Christians are called to be different as the Spartans were.
Very Inspiring to say the least.

Profound Stuff right there...