Friday, April 4

Jesus is for everyone

This Read the passage and the intro below.

The first way that Easter outlives the holidays, is becuase Easter makes Jesus avalible for everyone.

It’s hard for us to imagine, but before the first Easter, Jesus and his gospel were not accessible to many people at all. Not because they didn’t have email and cell phones to spread the message, but because Jesus and his gospel was really only for Jewish people. If you were a gentile (a non Jew) then Jesus and what he had to offer was more or less out of reach. The coming of the kingdom of God was an announcement and invitation, first and foremost for Israel.

And yet the most famous words Jesus spoke after His Easter work had been completed were:

‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, so go and make disciples of all nations.’ ALL NATIONS

It is Easter that makes Christianity an international, multiracial and multicultural religion.
Easter is the reason you don’t have to become a Jew in order to become a Christian.

Easter bursts the bubble of the Jewish priority during Jesus' 33 earthly years.

More to come



Justin said...

Yes! In principle (Matt 28 etc). But in practice, its the Council of Jerusalem figuring all that out (Acts 15 etc).

Looking forward to this.

Scott said...

Sure - good point. I guess I was thinking about the theological moment rather than it's earth-time outworkings.
Good call

Justin said...

You are exactly right.