Tuesday, September 25

All things

This weekend I'm taking a camp where we will be looking at the book of Titus in the New Testament. Had a read of it this morning to get myself ready. Here are somme things I discovered, which I hadn't cottoned onto before . . .(I'm a slow learner)

"To the pure, all thing are pure, but to those who are corruped and don't beleive, nothing is pure." Titus Ch :15

Paul is comparing those who hold firmly to the gospel message and those who talk religion, but are in reality far far from God.

Things to note

1. It is a very in your face way to talk about those who aren't Christians yet. Do you think it's fair?

2. I used to assume that when it said, 'to the pure all things are pure' that if you were a Christian, then everything was always gong well for you - you never made a mistake. But that's not true is it?

This morning I realised that if you have been made pure by the forgivenss offered by Jesus then all things will fall under that. There is no more sacred / secular divide - everything must be made to come into line with the forgiven life.

So for the beleiver he/she will insist on being pure with
* facebook
* how they drive
* who they talk to and and how they do it, before during and after church
* what they spend their money on

You get the idea.

Got me thinking, do I treat all things as part of my new life of purity in Christ?



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