Wednesday, August 22

I've opened pandora's box.

On Facebook I discovered the group, 'Barker College Class of 1993'. Which is when I did year 12. (Or matriculated for my SA readers). There were 50 people from my year already in the group. I became number 51.

But scrolling through the faces and names I started to get all conflicted.

Some I didn't remember at all.

Some I remember fondly, a few of whom I am still in touch with. It has also helped me to re connect with others long forgotten which has been tops.

But there were a 3rd group of faces, those whom while at school I never spoke to and (or is it 'because'?) they never spoke to me. I never clicked with them then , and I am wondering if I should click on them now.

I hate phoneys. So I don't want to pretend that we are interested in each other now when we never where at school - and lets be honest, not much has changed since then.

But then I start thinking, was the problem with me? If I could be back in 1993 with the eyes I have now, would I still see them in the same light? Would I realise that it was just as much me as it was them and in the foolishness of youth I missed some good people?

Or where my inital impressions the right ones and it's best to let sleeping dogs lie?

And if you are reading this and are one of those 50 facebook contacts from the class of '93, what do you think of all this?

Little help?


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