Friday, June 22

Open Doors

Last night I made my way to Marike and Gordon's place - an older couple in our church who have decided they are sick of not knowing people at St James and so once a month have an afternoon tea and then a supper to get to know more people, and to help us get to know each other. Since they have begun, they have had over 100 people thru their house - well done guys.

But they also use the time to have a presentation for Open Doors - a Christian organisation that exists to help the persecuted church around the world by sending bibles, giving training as well as loving support. I know there are zillion of groups doing all sorts of good things for Christ, but these guys have got my attention.

To check out a bit more, click here

They try to serve 200 million Christians in the 66 closed countries who are persecuted in one way or another for their faith. If you go to the link, you can find out about 3 Indoensian women who spent almost 3 yrs in jail for running a sunday school club (evangelism is prohibited). Last night I also heard about Pastor Samuel Lamb in China who after spending 21 years in jail went straight back to his house church (he cramps 700 people into his place 4 times a week) and states quite forthrightly, 'Persecution good! More persecution, more growth!'

I was reminded last night that even if God has spared you persecution (for now) you still feel the affects of it. When one part of the body suffers, we all suffer. It's abut time that we started to listen to the aches and pains of our global body.

Check it out.