Monday, February 26

My sunday

Let me tell you about my Sunday.

Sunday moring, Junior Youth, was HARD.
Numbers were a bit down and the kids were like zomies. Or statues. It was like swimming through concrete. We have been doing a series 'People who met Jesus' (see last post). So I kick off the last talk in the series by asking,
"What is the series we have been looking at this term?"

No response.

So to prompt them I ask,

"Was it . . . people who met Elvis?!" (I'm a funny guy, right?)

No response.

So I try a different approach. I say,

"Last week we looked at a guy from the bible who met Jesus. Let me act it out for you so you can take a guess."

I proceed to act out the man of the tombs. It's violent, noisy and scary.

"I ask them - so who was it that Jesus met last week?"

A kid sticks up his hand . . . .

"A monkey?"

It was a HARD morning.

Sunday evening, Senior Youth, was EXCITING.
We had an evangelistic bring a friend type meeting.
We had 7 new faces.
We had 60 all up.
We had a great testimony from a grade 10 girl who was interviewed by her friend.
My brother provided a top evangelistic talk.
We had dinner together.
People responded.
It was a buzz to be there.

What to make of all this?
1. Gospel work is never so bad that it can't get better.
2. Gospel work is very real and gritty and (in one sense) vulnerable to being bruised by this world (bad number, bad attitudes, laziness)
3. But in the other sense, gospel work is thrilling because it is supernatural and beyond our ability to manage (that's largely what I attribute the success of Sunday night to).
4. Despite the sunday mornings, there will always be sunday nights.
5. And I love my work.


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