Friday, September 8

Hell in 6 hours

I had to get my car new second hand registered. Pretty simple right?


I left home positive and up beat. I was in control, or so I thought. 6 hours and 14 min later I arrived back home again - mission comlete. But it took me 6 hours and 14 min to finally hold my weary sword arm high and let out the loud 'yarp' of victory.

Here are a few flashbacks to my 'adventure'

  • Discovering that the traffic department don't accept passports as legit ID. Airports do, banks do, police do, but not the high and mighty traffic dept.

  • Needing to pick up a form to take somehwere else, only to discover that need to fill out a preemptive form so that they can give me the actual form I really need. And to do this preemptive form, I need 2 passport photo's. Which I didn't have.

  • Trying to withdraw R150 from the ATM only to hit the wrong button and withdraw R1000

  • Driving out to some crazy place a long way from home and missing the turn off on the freeway and then get stuck in construction traffic as I'm heading off in the wrong direction.

That was my day. It was hard. It was painful. But now I have my new car in my name. But it wasn't easy. Damm, it wasn't easy.


1 comment:

CandyGirl said...

Shame man Scott! i sympathise greatly! But its an awesome feeling when its finally all done and you know you dont have to do it ever again! at least not with that car!