Thursday, January 26

Cut and Chat

Order. Routine. Predictablilty.

Most of our day to day existense depends on this sort of stuff. When it's taken away it becomes dangerous . . . but exciting. I courted the danger yesterday at Partners Hair Design at Cavendish.

For the last 10 years I have cut my own hair. A no. 2 all over will do nicely, thank you very much. But I broke the drought and went to have my hair cut and carefully dishevelled by a professional. When I told my mum she replied - "What hair?!" But I'll ignore those kind of comments for now.

I was completely lost from the start. Didn't know where to sit, who to turn to for help. I was in the chair for about 30 seconds when I was invited for a wash. It made my head tingle. Then back to the chair for the cut and chat. Then it was back for a rinse, then back to the chair for a gel. Needless to say I got up to go thinking it was all over about 3 times but I think I managed to fake it pretty well. And even though they didn't have much to work with, they did an outstanding job.

There was a weird 'Seven-degrees-of-seperation" factor at work though - the girl who did my hair turned out to be the same one who cut my brothers hair when he was in town over a year ago. Wow. Thanks Dominic. I'll be back. We all need a little more danger in our lives.


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