Tuesday, December 27


When Jimmy and I email, we just cut to the chase. We have devopled and finely honed the 'dot point' summary of life via email. We simply call it 'dots'. For the first time on my blog, here are some dots . . .

* The flight to Sydney was fine - Ben slept the whole way, I got to see 3 movies. The down side was that 'The Grim Brothers' was a crap movie and Quantas really need to work on their in flight schedule - they are messed up.

* It's hot here in Sydney town. Christmas Eve was 39 degrees, tommorrow is 38. But the neighhbours next door are gone and we are in their pool. Ben has taken to it like a baby to water.

* For me, arrival 'back home' was weird because . . . it wasn't weird. It felt amazingly normal. I'm not sure what that means.

* For those Cape folk who know Dr Benny, Reesy and Steve - we have all hung out on boxing day with the kids. A different vibe but just like slipping into an old pair of undies (in the non grossly groinal kind of way)

* We are still finding our way into holiday mode - takes a bit of adjustment but we're determined to make it.


PS: I've got some great pics on the way . . .

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