Saturday, December 17

My last 2 posts are a bit out of time. Hayley, Ben, myself and 370 others have just come back from Crossword (end of year youth camp for our gang here in CT). It was a generally good time - I gave 5 talks, Ray Galea gave 10. I thought rather than a dry post I would try and massage some life into it with some Sylvia Plath style poetry (not sure why, becuase I hate Sylvia Plath);

A gathering in anticipation
of leaders
and chops to braai

but with the fellowshiops comes
intestinal bugs.
And a toliet paper crisis.

Between sickness and
shocking food
I ate good food elsewhere.

Don't merely listen and not do
is what I mouthed,
but am I all talk?

Ray is a man I would
to be like

But times were good
The Lord sought out ten .
All else was a footnote.



Craig Tubman said...

Oh my goodness!!!!

You are the post master.

I live in shame.....

you better bring that razor to the great southern land.


Anonymous said...

love the poem there scott!
If i dont find internet access again before hand, mery christmas to you and your little fam :)